Saturday, February 26, 2005

February 26, 2005

February 26, 2005

We just had the best phone call yet!!! Adam called and he is out of Iraq and in Kuwait! I can't even express the relief, thankfulness, joy and really every other emotion. The load that is lifted from our hearts is amazing - it makes us want to celebrate NOW. He said that they are just lazing around today - it is warm there. He just talked to us a few minutes because he wanted to talk to Jesse. He has tried at least 10 times to call him and has never made connections. All the guys are concerned for Jesse and Tyler. They get an update from here through the Marine Corp but it's not the same as talking to them.

We don't know for sure when he will be back in the states but it could be in just a few days. He will be in California maybe as short as a week and then home. It is hard to even print those words. The Marine Corp will keep their flights quiet as far as time and day go. Everyone will have to be cleared medically in California. We did find out that everyone from C Company left Iraq together. Initially, they had told us that some would remain in Iraq to finish things up, but that is not the case. I just think that it is great that they are all together.

Please pray right now:
1. Thank God for His faithfulness to each of these men and women. For His protection and watch care over them all. For safe flights from Kuwait and California. For clearing of each one medically. For each Marine's adjustment back to American culture. For God to clear their minds of unnecessary debris from this experience.
2. For Jesse and Tyler - it will be really hard for all of them to see their Marine comrades, but encouraging at the same time.
3. For the families of those that aren't coming home. For comfort and peace that only God can give.

We will keep you posted as we hear anything else. Thank you so much for your continued prayers in these next days and weeks.

In Christ's love and protection,


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