Monday, January 31, 2005

January 30, 2005

January 30, 2005

Some of you asked for Jesse's address. So I'm sending it again. Some of you have asked if he would like anything - well, he told me some things. Movies of dirt bike races - dirt bike magazines - DVD of action or funny movies (he can't use videos, just DVDs) - most recent movies he hasn't seen yet so anything relatively new he would probably enjoy. He is in isolation, so the 4 walls of his room get a bit close! He also said a new truck or tires for his current truck - what a sense of humor - I know that he is feeling better!! He also was giving Sid a little bit of harassment - that's always a good sign that things are turning the corner.

LCPL Schertz, Jesse J
Brooke Army Medical Center
3851 Roger Brooke Drive
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234

Well, the elections are over. Please keep praying for the country of Iraq and their leadership. Pray for each soldier and Marine in harms way.

In Christ's love and protection,

Saturday, January 29, 2005

January 29. 2005

January 29. 2005

I just arrived home from Texas. It was a rich time to spend with Sid, Paula and Jesse. Then I went to Dallas for my meeting and got to see my aunt and my 90 something Grandpa! On the flight home, I sat right behind a new Marine and his family. They were just returning from his graduation in San Diego. Seems like forever since we were all there with Adam and Jesse.

And found out today that Adam called Rod about 4 am this morning. It was a very short call - about 3 minutes. His phone card was running out. He said that he has been out on missions - just keep praying! The news is really scary right now. He did mention that one of his knees is really sore - it has been hurting since Fallujah. It has swollen up and he went to the doctor. They looked at it and said that he chipped a little piece of bone off and that it would heal just fine. He is just not supposed to run unless he has to.

Jesse is coming along - just pray for his encouragement. It has been a long time in the hospital. Jesse is a real outdoorsman and he is getting cabin fever. His pain is much better controlled and his injuries are healing. We spent about 12 hours at the hospital and that is what Sid and Paula do every day. Sid and Paula both are becoming adept at medical care - as is Jesse. He really surprised me as he knew all the names of his medicines. He just hated it when a nurse would call a pill by it's generic name. He always wanted to know the "real name". Jesse has been sleeping much better. That is a real answer to prayer. Sid is planning to fly home in a few days. Keep sending cards to Jesse please.

Remember that passage in Daniel that I emailed last week. I was reminded that Daniel was in Babylon when he wrote that. Remember where Babylon is??????????? Present day Iraq. Isn't it great how God works.

Please pray right now:
1. For the elections in Iraq - that there would be safety for the Iraqi people and that God would put His king on the throne.
2. For Jesse's continued healing - above and beyond what we can imagine. For encouragement as he is inside. For protection from infection. Thank God for Jesse being able to rest and sleep.
3. For Sid and Paula and the other families of the wounded. That they would be encouraged and that they would have strength and endurance to uplift their kids.
4. For the families of Marines and soldiers killed in Iraq earlier in the war and this past week. For comfort in the days, weeks and years to come.
5. For Adam's knee - for healing quickly.
6. For protection of all our troops - for their wisdom and quick thinking - that the enemy would be very clear to them.

We are thankful for you and your faithfulness to our family.

In Christ's love and protection,

January 25, 2005

January 25, 2005

The elections in Iraq are coming up quickly. Please keep praying for the people of Iraq and for all our soldiers and Marines during this most dangerous time. Someone just e-mailed me these verses from Daniel :

Blessed be the name of God forever and ever
He KNOWS all, DOES all:
He changes the seasons and GUIDES HISTORY
He provides both INTELLIGENCE and DISCERNMENT. Daniel 2: 20 and 21 CEV

Isn't that just the most reassuring thing. God is in control!

We haven't heard from Adam by phone for over 2 weeks. Sure would like to hear his voice - but we are so thankful for what communication we do have. I'll be flying to Texas tomorrow and spending some time with Jesse, Sid and Paula.

Please pray right now:
1. For the elections in Iraq - for the people to be protected from the insurgents. That God will set His person on the throne as He guides history.
2. For the Marines and soldiers during this time - that they would be alert and focused. That they would have insight into the enemy and surety of their mission - intelligence and discernment. That they will be protected.
3. That I would be an encouragement to Jesse, Sid and Paula

Thank you so much for your prayers.

In Christ's love and protection,

Friday, January 28, 2005

January 23, 2005

January 23, 2005

We had a short email from Adam this morning. He really didn't say much except that he is ready to come home. He did say that he was very busy. And that was about it. It was still good to have some communication with him.

I have a conference in Dallas this weekend, so I'm taking a couple of extra days off and going to San Antonio first. Jesse has been having some rough days and I hope that I can be an encouragement to him and to Sid and Paula. I'll spend Wednesday and Thursday in San Antonio and then fly to Dallas for my conference on Friday and Saturday and fly back home on Saturday evening.

Please continue praying for the elections in Iraq. This will be a very dangerous time for the Iraqi people as well as all our troops.

Please pray right now:
1. For all the wounded here, Germany and Iraq. Pray for healing and protection from infection. Pray for wisdom for the doctors caring for each one.
2. For the families of the wounded - for comfort and encouragement - for strength and endurance.
3. For all our troops in Iraq during this election time. For protection and insight. For the enemy to be clearly revealed. For God's hand and angels to be protecting all of them.

We appreciate your prayers - please continue to pray and pray often. Remember, don't send Adam any packages now - they might not make it over there before he comes home. Keep sending cards and letters.

In Christ's love and protection,

Saturday, January 15, 2005

January 15, 2005

January 15, 2005

I just received this email from a chaplain serving with the Army in Iraq. Please take time to read it and pray. This is an intense time in Iraq and we really need to uphold our troops in prayer.

SPECIAL REQUEST FROM DBC MEMBER LYLE SHACKELFORD, SERVING AS A CHAPLAIN WITH U.S. ARMY UNIT IN IRAQ: As a transportation battalion, my unit will be delivering the voting machines and the ballots to villages and cities throughout Iraq during the upcoming elections. (January 30/31) Our convoys are prime targets for the insurgents because they do not want the equipment to arrive at the polling stations nor do they want the local Iraqi citizens to have the chance to vote; timely delivery must occur so that the elections occur. Encourage your friends and family members and those within our churches to pray specifically for the electoral process. Historically, the previous totalitarian regime would not allow individual citizens to vote. Democracy will not be realized in Iraq if intelligent and competent officials are not elected to those strategic leadership positions within the emerging government; freedom will not have an opportunity to ring throughout this country if the voting process fails. Announce this prayer request to your contacts throughout your churches, neighborhoods, and places of business. Those with leadership roles within the local church post this message in as many newsletters and bulletins as possible. There is unlimited potential for God's presence in this process but if we do not pray then our enemy will prevail (See Ephesians 6:10-17) A prayer vigil prior to the end of the month may be an innovative opportunity for those within your sphere of influence to pray. This is a political battle that needs spiritual intervention. A powerful story about God's intervention in the lives of David's mighty men is recorded in 2 Samuel 23:8-33. David and his warriors were victorious because of God's intervention. We want to overcome those who would stand in the way of freedom. David's mighty men triumphed over incredible odds and stood their ground and were victorious over the enemies of Israel. (Iraqi insurgents' vs God's praying people). They don't stand a chance.
I will pray with my soldiers before they leave on their convoys and move outside our installation gates here at Tallil. My soldiers are at the nerve center of the logistic operation to deliver the voting machines and election ballots. They will be driving to and entering the arena of the enemy. This is not a game for them, it is a historical mission that is extremely dangerous. No voting machines or ballots. No elections. Your prayer support and God's intervention are needed to give democracy a chance in this war torn country. Thank you for reading this e-mail. Please give this e-mail a wide dissemination.
Thank you for your prayer

Please pray right now:

1. For protection of the troops delivering the voting machines and ballots. Pray that the enemy would be clearly revealed and defeated.
2. For all the troops in Iraq - for protection and clear definition of the enemy.
3. For the Iraqi people - for protection and boldness as they participate in this process for the very first time.
4. Thank God in advance for what He is going to do in this process.

Please share this email with your churches tomorrow. Let's invoke God's mighty hand and His mighty power. Remember, God is the most powerful and capable of more than what we can imagine.

We are so thankful for all of you and the part that you play in keeping Adam and all our troops safe.

In Christ's love and protection,

Thursday, January 13, 2005

January 13, 2005

January 13, 2005

Adam called very quickly yesterday. He called in the morning and Rod talked to him. He really just had time to get Jesse's phone number. He really wants to talk to him. Jesse was in surgery most of the day yesterday, so I imagine he didn't make contact, but now that he has his number they should be able to talk. Adam did say that things are slow on Al Asad - he wishes it was busier. Time moves too slow when he is not busy.

Jesse's surgery went well yesterday. He is pretty uncomfortable, but they are working to get medication right. We need to keep praying. Jesse would love to get cards of encouragement. Please don't send any balloons, flowers, etc. They can't have them - too much chance of contamination. Mail is very helpful and encouraging to him right now. His address is:

LCPL Schertz, Jesse J
Brooke Army Medical Center
3851 Roger Brooke Drive
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234

Also, (Jesse's mom)
Paula's birthday is on Sunday, January 16, 2005. If you want to drop her a card - I'm sure she would love it.

We did get an email from the commander in Iraq requesting that we stop sending packages to C Company as of now! I think that is a good sign of things to come. Please keep sending letters and cards. Maybe (I'm not holding my breath) we'll get them home in the near future! (Packages can take up to 2 months to get there - they won't forward them - so when a company leaves all the packages are left for the next company to take care of.)

Please pray right now:
1. For all the wounded - for control of pain, protection from infection, and healing above and beyond human expectations. Our God has the power to do all this, but He wants us to ask and tell Him what we desire.
2. For strength for the families of the wounded - for patience as they wait on the medical people to make decisions and help their loved ones.
3. For family who have had to come home and are away from the wounded. For comfort and wisdom as to when to return.
4. For all our Marines and soldiers in Iraq - for concentration and alertness - for wisdom and quickness - for time to pass quickly.

We are so thankful for all of you. Please keep praying - everyone here and in Iraq knows that God is hearing and answering!
In Christ's love and protection,

January 11, 2005

January 11, 2005

I wanted to share a neat story that Adam wrote to us. We received a letter last week - written on November 15 - great snail mail! But it was great to read what Adam wrote. Since this was written in November, he was thinking about hunting season. I'll just quote what he wrote, "Hopefully, Dad, you have been able to go hunting at least a little bit. I'm hoping you have a good season this year. The closest thing I've been able to do as far as hunting goes, is to kill a mouse. and to watch wild dogs through my thermal scope. I took the mouse and tacked in on the wall of my hooch. I drew around its body and wrote my initials under it." We got a good laugh out of that - now posted for posterity, Adam's hunt is recorded on a wall in Iraq. Remember, this was written when he was still in Fallujah. He also said, "We can hear the call to prayer from where we are right now. It is such an eerie feeling. I really don't like it, but oh well." Just please keep praying that God would draw all our troops close in the midst of this Godless society.

I also wanted to share a little about Jesse. I had a good conversation with his Dad tonight. Sid came home yesterday - it was hard for him to leave Paula and Jesse, but he needed to get home. Jesse has been very verbal about his faith in the midst of his injury. Sid said that the hospital guys were wheeling Jesse into surgery and Jesse told them to stop that he wanted to pray with his family before they took him. Even in the midst of pain medicine and all, Jesse is depending on God. Sid says that when Jesse prays before he eats - it's such a long prayer that sometimes they thought he had drifted off to sleep. But no, he was just communing with God. Jesse has expressed his concern over the soul of the suicide bomber that hit their truck. What a great faith in the face of adversity! Jesse is claiming God in the midst of his trial. Keep praying for him in the coming days.

Jeremy has some upcoming appointments with specialists. Pray that those appointment go well. He seems to be gaining strength and control of his pain every day.

Please pray right now:
1. For the wounded - for protection from infection, for strength to endure procedures and hospitals, for God's presence to be real to them every day in the midst of their suffering.
2. For all our troops in Iraq - for protection - for the enemy to be clearly revealed - for alertness - for God's presence to be real to them every day in the midst of a foreign Godless society
3. For the families of the wounded - for patience to endure waiting - for peace regarding daily concerns at home - for understanding of the things medical people are communicating to them - for encouragement of some kind on a daily basis
4. For the minds of all the wounded and active military - that their minds would be protected and that God would give them only selective memory - that memories not helpful would be selectively deleted

We are so thankful for all of you. It is so comforting to know that people are praying.

In Christ's love and protection,

January 9, 2005

January 9, 2005

Adam called at about 1 am this morning. He is at Al Asad and would rather be in a busier place. Time just goes by too slow if he isn't really busy. He said that he is feeling OK. He wanted to know how his cousins were doing. Someone was timing phone calls, so we had a very limited time to talk.

Jeremy got home on Friday. He is doing well at home and coming along with his injuries. His parents are just glad to be home with their family. Jeremy will start follow up with the doctors in this area this week.

Jesse is coming along also. He has some procedures planned for this week. He is pretty up beat and tolerating uncomfortable procedures well. His Dad is planning to come home this week, but Mom is staying. She was able to get equipment to do some of her job from the bedside. Isn't technology great!

We are so thankful for your prayers, please keep on praying!

Please pray right now:
1. For quick healing of wounds and tolerance for procedures that must be done. Pray for no infections. Pray for emotional encouragement of the wounded.
2. For the medical teams caring for the wounded. For wisdom, insight and accurate care and decisions.
3. For parents of the wounded. For wisdom as decisions are being made. For encouragement from day to day. For building of relationships that are encouraging.
4. For all our soldiers and Marines in Iraq and other places. For protection. For alertness. For mental well-being - that God would erase harmful thoughts and memories. That the enemy would be clearly revealed.
5. For the elections in Iraq - for control of insurgents.

Thank you so much for praying. You are all an encouragement to us.

In Christ's love and protection,

January 5, 2005

January 5, 2005

Many of you have asked what you can do for the families of the wounded in C Company. Some of you have given monetary donations.
Since this is happening and people are willing to help in this way, we have opened an account at
Bank Plus
105 N Menard
Metamora, IL 61548
Please make checks out to C Company Family Support Fund and send contributions directly to the bank. The families have many expenses involved with travel and on going living expenses at home. The families are trying to decide on who should come home and when. They have to think about home and jobs and responsibilities. They are torn between responsibility to their sons and responsibilities at home. They are all exhausted mentally and emotionally. It would take some worry off of them to be able to help with some of their financial responsibilities. If other people ask what they can do, please pass on this information.

Rod, Adam's girlfriend, Amy and I had the opportunity to attend an informational meeting on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder last night. It was informative. All of the military moms there decided that we all have post traumatic stress also. Joking aside, it is a reality for our sons and for our families. We are thankful for the information and covet your prayers for our military as they come home and readjust to family and society.

We are so thankful for all your prayers and support. Both my nephews families have expressed their thanks for your support and request your continued prayers.

Please pray right now:
1. For healing both mentally and physically for the wounded.
2. For protection of the minds of each soldier and Marine in harm's way - that God would truly erase harmful memories from their minds. We truly have a great God!
3. For the families of the wounded - for wisdom about decisions to be made and assurance and peace once those decisions are made.
4. For the upcoming elections in Iraq

Thank you all for your prayers.

In Christ's love and protection,

January 4, 2005

January 4, 2005

Adam was able to call home today from Qatar. He has been having a restful time and really relaxing. What a great opportunity to just refresh himself. He is thankful for this time. He will be leaving Qatar every early tomorrow morning (which will be around 7 pm our time tonight.) He was able to call his cousin Jeremy in Texas and talk to him for a while. That was reassuring to him. He wasn't able to contact Jesse. Adam wanted me to relay his thanks for all your prayers and asked that you continue to pray.

My nephews are coming along. Jeremy had some surgery again and is progressing nicely. Jesse is coming along also.

Please pray right now:
1. For all the wounded, but especially for C Company wounded. For no infection and healing of burns. For healing of bones. For strength for the day to day hospital stay.
2. For the families of the wounded - for encouragement and stamina - for management of activities still going on at home - for financial concerns, being away from their jobs
3. For all our troops in harm's way whereever they are - for protection, alertness, concentration and clearness of thought.
4. For our military leaders here and across the world.
5. For the elections in Iraq

Thank you so much for praying.
In Christ's love and protection,

January 2, 2005

January 2, 2005

We got a call from Adam about 5 am this morning. He was so glad to be in Quatar. He is on an Army base and having a warm shower! He said he slept until 10 am the first morning. Of course, he doesn't have his weapon and he woke in the night wondering where it was. It took him a while to orient himself. He is going into the city today. You have to have a sponsor to go off base, but someone volunteered to take him and his buddy off base. They are going to a big mall with an ice skating rink in the center. He said he wants to do a little souvenir shopping. Not usually his cup of tea! He said the weather is beautiful - about 80 degrees. Very warm after Iraq at this time.

He said there are still guys from Platoon 1 in Fallujah - not everyone got back to base. Also, he and one other guy are the only ones picked for Quatar. What a privilege! He said they decided who went based on their performance in Fallujah.

Please pray right now:
1. For those still in Fallujah - for safety, encouragement alertness and wisdom.
2. For all our Marines and soldiers - that the enemy would be clearly revealed to all. That there would be no hesitation or question of what response to have and what to do.
3. For those healing from C Company - for their families and loved ones. Pray for excellent control of pain - for miraculous healing above and beyond what is humanly possible. That God would show his power in a big way through every person involved in their care.
4. Thank God for His mercy to each soldier, Marine and family member. Thank Him for his continued protection and watch care over each one.

We are so thankful for your prayers and continued support of Adam and all the others. We know that people are praying and that God is listening and ready to listen more and more. Thank you all so much.

In Christ's love and protection,

January 1, 2005

January 1, 2005

Happy New Year to everyone. We haven't talked to Adam, but his girlfriend did! He has left Fallujah - Praise the Lord! He had a short time at Al Asad and currently is in Qatar on R &R for 5 days. What a relief to know that he is out of Fallujah. He told Amy that he was on his way to Chili's to have a bacon cheeseburger. That sounds like our Adam. Amy said that he sounded really good. I know that it has to be a relief to be out of Iraq for a short time. He is supposed to try to call us - can't wait to talk to him. As far as we know, he is done in Fallujah and should be staying at Al Asad for the time being. But we'll find out more when we talk to him.

My nephews are doing well. My sister and her husband and Rod's brother and his wife are with them.

Jeremy is doing well. He had some procedures yesterday. I talked to him today and he sounded great. He said that he was watching TV last night and his nurse came in and told him to shut the TV off and look out the window. Jeremy's room overlooks the river and he was able to watch the fireworks celebrating the New Year! He said it was great. He wanted to make sure that if Adam called that I gave him a number so that Adam could talk to him. It would be great if they could touch base.

Jesse is doing well also. Sid and Paula are with him. He has had a couple of surgeries and is coming along. That is really encouraging to his family. Sid and Paula were able to take him in a wheelchair and ride around the hospital yesterday. He really enjoyed that.

Please continue to pray for Tyler and Matt and their families.

Please pray right now:
1. For healing and no complications of healing of EVERY injury - nothing is too small or too great for our GOD.
2. For comfort for the families of all the injured. For wisdom as they spend time with their sons. For strength to endure the day to day issues and information given. For understanding. For encouragement for the coming days.
3. For all our soldiers and Marines - healthy and wounded - for our mighty God to erase memories that are harmful to healing or to thought processes. Again - nothing is too hard for our GOD.
4. For Adam and all that are on R&R - that they would truly be able to rest and recuperate. Help them to be encouraged and ready to return.
5. For the upcoming elections in Iraq - for order and organization during this first time process for these oppressed people.
6. For the Stewart family, the Palmer family and the Creagor family as they face 2005 without their dear sons. Pray for encouragement and strength and the ability to just take one day at a time. Pray that God would give them grace abundantly to carry on.

We and our family are so thankful for all of you. My nephews families have personally expressed their thanks for all your prayers. I know that the other families are thankful as well. Please keep diligently praying for all.

In Christ's love and protection,

December 28, 2004

December 28, 2004

We haven't heard from Adam since Christmas Day and he was pretty down. Please keep praying! All our troops are really busy.

I had the priviledge to go to visitation tonight for CPL Ian Stewart. He was killed fighting for our freedom in Fallujah, Iraq on December 12, 2004. He was formerly of Princeville and funeral services will be held tomorrow in Princeville. Ian had a strong testimony for the Lord and his parents are assured of his presence in heaven. It indeed was my priviledge to meet his parents as they encouraged me! Just pray for his parents and family now, tomorrow and in the days to come.

My nephews are stable and making connections with their families. Please just keep praying.

Please pray right now:
1. For the members of C Company wounded and their families. Please pray for comfort and rest for all. Pray for wisdom of the doctors caring for them.
2. For the family of CPL Stewart - for comfort and assurance - for a touch from God's calming hand during the days, weeks and years to come.
3. For Adam and the rest of our troops in Iraq - to be encouraged - to be diligent and alert in the missions assigned to them - for protection from the enemy. Please pray for their minds - for protection from damaging images or thoughts.
4. For Gunny Sergeant Howard as he helps families in C Company and the Stewart family. For Gunny's family as he is away a lot right now.

Thank you for praying. We appreciate your care and concern.

In Christ's love and protection,

December 26, 2004

Hope that you all had a great Christmas. We were able to spend part of the day with my sister and her family. They seem to be doing as well as can be expected. Jeremy was able to talk to them on Christmas, but he was rather groggy and didn't make a lot of sense. But they were still grateful to hear his voice. They also talked to him again this morning. Again, he was groggy, but able to communicate. I told my sister that many, many were praying and she said, "We know that - he wouldn't be doing as well as he is without those prayers. I don't know if he would even be here without prayer." Keep those prayers going.

Jesse was able to drink a little water and was able to talk to his nurse. His nurse has been very kind to Sid and Paula and she dialed home so that Jesse could talk to them. Jesse was groggy, but just to hear his voice was so encouraging to them. Sid said, "That was the best Christmas present we could get." Sid and Paula are so thankful for your prayers, calls and concern.

Adam called home about 8:30pm to wish us a Merry Christmas. He was going to try to call home earlier, but the line was 2 1/2 long, so he waited for it to be a little shorter. He sounded pretty down and wanted to know how everyone was doing. He, of course, is really concerned about them all. He did open some Christmas presents. He said that the Christmas Tree he built was gone now that Christmas was over in Iraq. We asked him what the green was that covered the tree was and he said it was sand bags. Then they spray painted the red and yellow balls on it. He was especially proud of the Eagle Globe and Anchor at the top - the castle carved in the globe is the symbol of Charlie Company Engineers. He had received our Christmas package and actually waited until Christmas day to open it. He said that they got the day off on Christmas Day. They had an inspection this morning. It was taking them all awhile to get ready for that.

Please pray right now:
1. For Jeremy, Jesse, and the rest of the injured and their families.
2. For safe travel of the Marines to the states and safe travel of the families to be reunited with their Marines.
3. For Gunnery SGT. Howard - it is his job to talk to all the families and keep track of what is going on with them. He is doing a great job. Pray for his family - he has been spending most of his time taking care of needs of the families.
4. For our Marines and soldiers in Iraq continuing the fight for our freedom. Pray for wisdom, alertness and assurance as they do the duties assigned to them. For God is keep his hand on each one - that they would feel God's hand on their shoulder.
5. For our leaders here and Iraq - for wisdom and clarity as they determine the plan and orchestrate troops.

We are so thankful for each one of you.
In Christ's love and protection,

December 25, 2004

December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas to you and your family. We are so thankful for you and your concern for our family. I am praying that Jesus would be real to you today and everyday.

My nephew Jeremy had surgery yesterday. He is having pain, but he was well enough that he was able to go up and visit my nephew Jesse. Then Jeremy called Jesse's dad, Sid, and was able to talk to Sid.

Jesse is able to communicate his discomfort to his nurse through hand gestures. Please pray that Jesse will be transfered to San Antonio. Paula's parents live in San Antonio. It would be great for them to have some family support while Jesse is there.

Please pray right now:
1. For Jesse. For God to protect him from infection. For God to erase things from his memory that would be harmful to him. That his pain would be controlled
2. For Jesse to be transfered to San Antonio if that would be possible and the best place to treat his injuries.
3. For Jeremy to be more comfortable. For God to protect him from infection. For God to erase things from his memory that would be harmful to him. That his pain would be controlled.
4. For families. That they would all be comforted. That they would receive understandable accurate information.
5. For the doctors, nurses and staff of all the medical facilities caring for the wounded. They have had many many wounded and need to be alert, organized and efficient.
6. For all our troops in Iraq. Christmas Day is almost over for them. Pray for clear minds, alertness and clarity of thinking to continure to perservere to complete what they are responsible for.
7. For our military leadership here and in Iraq. For wisdom and organization. For planning and insight.

You are a blessing to my family and me.

In Christ's love and protection,

December 24, 2004

December 24, 2004

I wanted to keep you updated on my nephews. I'll start with Jesse. Sid and Paula were able to talk directly to the doctor caring for Jesse.
My nephew, Jeremy is in Germany. He arrived with Jesse and about 60 other wounded from Iraq. Jeremy was able to call home and talk to my sister.

Please pray right now
1. That the exact right doctor would be available to treat each specific area of injury with skill and expertise. Pray for all the staff at the hospitals in Iraq, the hospital in Germany and Betheseda and San Antonio. Pray for them to be alert and accomodating to our Marines and their families.
2. Families. This is a very stressful time. Pray for patience in their family interactions. Pray for accurate information to be relayed in the timely fashion.
3. Pray for all our troops in Iraq. It is Christmas morning over there now. Pray that our troops will remember to look to Jesus for their light!
4. Thank God for His protection that no one was killed.
5. Pray for confusion of the enemy. Pray for God's angels to be protecting all our troops in Iraq and throughout the rest of the world.

You all are great. I'm so thankful for your support in thoughts and prayers

In Christ's love and protection,

December 24, 2004

December 24, 2004

We got a phone call from Adam at 2 am. He said that he couldn't tell us what he knew about the boys, but he wanted to know what we knew. He wanted to make sure that we knew that he was OK and that the marines had got the right Schertz. We shared with him honestly what we knew and he concurred with everything. He said that one of his commanding officers pulled him aside to tell him that Jesse was hurt. He knew that Jesse was his cousin. Then the commander told Adam about Jeremy and Adam just was floored. The commander had no idea that Jeremy was his cousin also. The commander then told him about each one of the Marines that were injured. Adam has been pulled off convoy duty for a while. He said it was a really rough fighting day in Fallujah. The Marines are trying to keep all the guys in Platoon One - Adam's platoon - informed about all the injured men's conditions. Of course, Adam is concerned but he assured us that he was OK. He wanted to make sure that his aunts and uncles knew that he is praying for them.

Please pray right now
1. For all of the Marines of C Company - emotions are running pretty high right now. Yet, they still have to continue their daily assignments.
2. For Adam specifically that he would be able to concentrate and make wise decisions.
3. For all the wounded and their families. For wisdom, patience and endurance through these trying days to come.

We so appreciate all of you.

In Christ's love and protection

December 23, 2004

December 23, 2004

My heart is so heavy right now I can hardly think. 6 members of C Company were injured in Iraq yesterday when a suicide bomber hit their vehicle when they were on convoy. Adam is in a different platoon and is fine as far as we know. But both my nephews were injured. My nephew, Jesse (Rod's brother's son) was injured severely. My nephew, Jeremy (my sister's son) was less severely injured. He was able to talk to my sister on the phone from Iraq. He called her about 1 am this morning and again early this morning.

We haven't heard from Adam and don't know if anyone in his platoon knows about this yet. There was fierce fighting in Fallujah today. We need to pray for the commanders of Platoon One. They need to have wisdom on when to tell the others of these injuries and have available information on each wounded Marine's condition to help those hearing have as much peace as possible. Everyone left in Iraq still has to be able to concentrate and continue the jobs they are assigned to.

Please pray right now:
1. For Jesse - that there would be no infection. That healing would be complete and without complications. That pain would be controlled.
2. For Jeremy - that he would heal without complications. That his wounds will heal without infection. That pain would be controlled.
3. The families. That they would have the peace that only Jesus can give. That they would have understanding of all the medical stuff they will be hearing. That they would be drawn together in their marriages and building deeper relationships with each other and God.
4. For All the rest of C Company - that they would be able to continue to be alert and undistracted from the jobs that they have to do. That they would experience God's peace and comfort. That the commanders would be able to give them accurate and specific information about their
5. Thank God that no one was killed. To have a suicide bomber and not have anyone killed is a miracle in itself. Give God praise for His protection.
We are so thankful for your prayers. I'll keep you all updated.

In Christ's love and protection,